Why hire a Math tutor?!?
We ask a lot from school teachers today, with class sizes ranging from 25 to 40 students. Math teachers have a student load upwards of 180 students throughout a given week. Many teachers see each and every student five days a week. If a school is on an A/B schedule teachers may still see at least 75 students each day. This doesn’t allow for much 1-on-1 time between teacher and student. Have you thought about a math tutor?
A student is lucky if they are able to get a couple minutes a day of focused attention and assistance from their Math Teacher. What’s more, many students don’t advocate for the attention that they need because they feel awkward asking for help or they may not even realize that they are starting to fall behind.
Math is fairly unique in that Math education builds on previous learning stretching back to the first days of Kindergarten. The way that Math classes work is that there is the expectation that learning in previous courses is complete. Unfortunately, many students pass from one year to the next without truly mastering the content. If a student passes with a low C, they will be missing many skills that will be necessary during the following year.
An effective Math Tutor can bridge the gap between instruction a student gets in school and what is truly required for them to be successful. With plenty of one-on-one time, a tutor can identify and remediate the gaps in knowledge that can develop when a student is struggling to keep up with the class.