
  • Number Classification; Family Tree

    A Strange Family: Number Classification

    Apart from being part of our daily lives – counting money and measuring ingredients or temperature – numbers do have an identity, right? Absolutely! This post will take you on a tour through the world of number classification. The family Read More …

  • Digging into Rational Exponents

    So we’ve worked with exponents. We know the basic exponent properties. However, the lingering question is; What do we do with a rational exponent? We will derive a Rational Exponents/Radicals Formula that will help us easily convert between radicals and Read More …

  • illustration-equation-6

    Factoring Quadratics: Tricks of the Trade

    You’re probably getting more familiar with quadratic expressions and equations. They’re those algebraic expressions with an that seem to pop up everywhere in your math studies. Right? I’m Drew Laiche, from Portland Math Tutor, LLC, and I’m here to help Read More …

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