Sign up for Summer Math Prep 2020

Math Prep 2020

Summer Math Prep 2020

Transitioning into the 2020-21 school year will be like none other in modern history. Students have missed a record number of school days and despite the fact that teachers have made a valiant effort to continue instruction, students have missed out on valuable learning time in the classroom. Consider Summer Math Prep for 2020.

Sign up for the Portland Math Tutor, LLC Summer Prep program and your student will make up lost ground. Each enrollment comes with wrap around curriculum support. Students will receive individualized instruction from a licensed math teacher along with followup assignments to make sure that learning really solidifies. It’s like a summer camp for math that meets once a week!

This year more than ever before, students will be affected by the atrophy of the summer break, however, making sure that students haven’t fallen back, isn’t the only objective of the Math Prep program. Students will be exposed to the math content that they will be studying in the Fall. Students will enter into the 2020-21 school year with the confidence that they have already have a solid foundation.

If you are interested in enrolling up your student for the Summer Prep Program, use the contact form below and we will be in touch ASAP.

Contact Form:

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