I provide full service test prep. There is no reason to be nervous about the SAT or ACT. I can help you to build confidence by teaching test taking skills along with the content. 

1. Determine your target score

Depending on the colleges you intend to apply to, you should be striving to get a score within the range of 25-75% of accepted applicants.

2. Understand 
3. Use the Best Resources

4. Make a Plan

I work with all my students to develop a personalized study plan. Every student has a different schedule, goals, and needs. I take all this into account when putting together a study plan that will make sure they are ready on test day. 

5. Test Taking Strategies

Even for the most prepared test taker, there will be a point when they come across a problem that they don’t readily know how to solve. Through tutoring, you will learn not only content skills but also the strategies to follow when you don’t know the answer.

6. Dissect Mistakes

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